SUICIDE SEASON sign to Alone Records
Alone Records is very proud to announce the signing of UK-based melancholic doom duo SUICIDE SEASON! Created by two old friends with a distinct past in the Portuguese underground, Bruno...
SUICIDE SEASON sign to Alone Records
Alone Records is very proud to announce the signing of UK-based melancholic doom duo SUICIDE SEASON! Created by two old friends with a distinct past in the Portuguese underground, Bruno...
TRANSILIENCE announce comeback EP and premiere ...
After our announcement earlier this month that Transilience had signed for Alone Records, we are now very happy to share with you the big news that everyone was waiting for:...
TRANSILIENCE announce comeback EP and premiere ...
After our announcement earlier this month that Transilience had signed for Alone Records, we are now very happy to share with you the big news that everyone was waiting for:...
TRANSILIENCE sign to Alone Records
Alone Records is proud to announce the signing of Transilience! The cult American trio have a new release all ready to signal their return to the scene after decades of...
TRANSILIENCE sign to Alone Records
Alone Records is proud to announce the signing of Transilience! The cult American trio have a new release all ready to signal their return to the scene after decades of...